Three types of 3D printing technologies

3D Printing has become a staple of my everyday work routine to help with prototypes for the design I am working with. Each time I want to fondle an iteration, I hit print. Need some parts in quantity? I hit print for each set of cavities. Need a quick fixture to aid in inspection or finishing? Read more about Three types of 3D printing technologies[…]

Solidworks WORLD 2017 Todd Werginz Aeon Analytics - Speaker

Come See Me Speak Next Week @ SOLIDWORKS World #SWW17

              Where does the time go? We’re officially about a week away to SolidWorks WORLD in LA. I will be presenting on 10 Wayz for Mature Modeling & Stuff, which will be a very interactive demo and the session will be hands on! For a teaser, I have enclosed a few items from Read more about Come See Me Speak Next Week @ SOLIDWORKS World #SWW17[…]

For Kids Only: Ironman Reactor 3D Printout

From Napkin Sketch to 3D Printed Object! Last year, a client brought me a project he sketched out on a napkin for an event in which his daughter needed a costume. We worked together from his design idea, preferred colors and files to make  a customized Ironman reactor harness. For the finish, my client used Read more about For Kids Only: Ironman Reactor 3D Printout[…]

Delete Face: Use It or Lose It?

Three Different Parts of the Delete Face Feature in Solidworks: The Three-headed Monster

  1. solidworksdeleteface1Delete Face, (*which leaves an open wound – turns it from a solid to a surface)
  2. Delete and “Patch”.  For example, when using Delete and Patch in a radius situation (my go-to command) it takes the surrounding two surfaces that are being deleted (around the fillet) and extends these surfaces – trims, knits them and maintains the solid model integrity; turning them into a sharp corner. All-in-one command. (See Exhibit 1, right).


Do the Young Minds Have It?

It started back in the ’80s. “What are you going to do after high school?” then the big one: “Where are you going to college?” It was beaten into my head, my kids’ heads, and anyone I know in my age group that has college-aged kids that they MUST go to college. A degree path is the only way to land a high price, successful career–ever.
